Nurtured. Responsive. Evidence-Based.

Connection-centered sleep and postnatal support.

Green House provides expert Holistic Family Sleep Coaching and Postpartum Doula services that are truly customized to meet your family's needs. Your baby, your family, and your needs are unique — your experience should be personalized to match. Choose support that feels right for your family.

Holistic Sleep Coach, Newborn Specialist, and Postpartum Doula

Court Wright

Green House sprouted from my passion to help growing families thrive. I believe that supportive sleep and compassionate postnatal care provide lifelong benefits for both parents and children.

I sincerely enjoy pouring my heart into each family I work with.

My Services

Holistic Newborn Sleep

Support for new and expecting parents

Holistic Sleep Coaching

Personalized sleep strategies for families

Postpartum Doula Support

Compassionate postnatal care for growing families

“You can never give a human infant too much love or connection.”

— Professor James McKenna

Parents love it!

“Courtney has been a huge help in giving us the tools and resources needed to get on the right path to healthy sleep patterns for our little one. I am grateful for her support and the wealth of knowledge that she has provided to us. She has given us the confidence as parents to move forward with a routine that is customized to our family/household, and we can finally see the light at the end of tunnel!”

— Janessa

“Courtney was a miracle worker. She takes a scientific approach backed by sound research, but is also caring, nurturing and really gets to know the children and family. She put a customized plan together and literally within 1-2 nights of following the plan, our girls were sleeping through the night with the exception of one feeding. My only regret is not doing this earlier! I give my highest recommendation to Green House Doula!”

— Michael

Let’s discuss your needs


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